Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Film 37 "Terminator 2 Judgement Day" IMDB No. 42

You just can't go around killing people.

1991 James Cameron
It's like buses, another James Cameron film, not intentionly I didn't know he directed this, I'm not that sad, but I do now, so now I am.
Another Terminator is sent back to 'terminate' John Connor, who is going to save the world (if he survives)
The twist is that the terminator that was sent back in the original Terminator 1 to kill his mum Sarah is actually the goody and the baddy is the one that looks the goody. You don't work this out until about 10 minutes into the film.
Lots of guns and shooting and blowing things up and suffering injuries that would kill people but because they are future robots they survive until the end, it does end eventually.

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