Saturday 26 February 2011

Film 19 "Once Upon A Time In The West" IMDB N0. 20

Hey, Mr Choo Choo

1968 Sergio Leone classic western
A western without Clint Eastwood. Mystery man with a harmonica keeps playing at times when people should be shooting him. This is obviously set in 19th century America in the country as the railroad was making its way west. Jill McBain finds herself in possesion of some sought after land and the railroad man Frank wants it. Harmonica helps Jill because he has history with Frank.
Typical Sergio, lots of long lingering shots with a moody score, you can tell that films in these days were not made for the small screen, imagine a 40 foot wide close up of Charles Bronson, pores and all.
I liked this one, the end is great, the bit where.....

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