Thursday, 26 January 2012

Slow start 2012

I have started slowly this year, nothing like the start I had in 2011.
Last year I had a load of avi files already from the list ready to go so I could jump right in, this year it's proving a bit more difficult already but I have watched a few and I'm already playing catchup with blogging them.
This years list is a bit more eclectic and not to everyones taste.
The fantastic new Versus Sexboat blog is making me think about the format of my blog posts.
The addition of another allotment plot, complete lack of winter weather and my TV supplier showing a premium HD Sport channel for free during January is holding me back. Let's hope February brings snow and frost so I can stay indoors and watch films without feeling I should be doing more digging.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

IMDB Top 100 Complete

Watching the films wasn't hard, apart from the Charlie Chaplin ones, it's easy enough to watch an average of 2 a week for a year. get off to a flyer in the winter and bank a few extra ones in case it slips during the summer.
The hardest part of this challenge was keeping the blog going, at one point I was 17 films behind, but I didn't lose heart or an internet connection and kept going, there was a time I was doing one post a day for a couple of weeks to catch up, next time I wont let it slip.
So what did I learn? Some films I had seen and knew were going to be good.
City of God
The Good The Bad &The Ugly
Pulp Fiction

Many I have never seen before so it was always good to see what all the fuss is about, I made a point of not reading any reviews before watching.

Treasure Of The Sierra Madre
Paths of Glory
The Godfather

Chaplin films
Singin' in the Rain
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The Challenge for 2012 is to watch the top 100 British films, but I'm still working out which list to use.
Other lists suggested have been top 100 70's porn films, top 100 sci-fi, top 100 apocolyptic, top 100 westerns. Others have already done the top 100 war films and it sounded hard because so many of them were shit and the list was out of date. So British films it is and I may learn something.