Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Film 63 "Leon" IMDB No. 35

I was just in your kitchen. I didn't see no god damned pig.

1994 Luc Besson
Inspite of the crap over voice on the trailer, this is a really good movie.
Leon is a hitman who finds a heart when he crosses paths with Mathilda a 12 year old with a troubled life.
Gary Oldman is great as the lunatic cop.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Film 62 "The Maltese Falcon" IMDB No. 99

When you're slapped, you'll take it and like it.

1941 John Huston
Humphry Bogart is Sam Spade a private detective caught up in the search for a black bird statue.
Brilliant crime thriller, absolute classic. I couldn't help notice Sam's never ending pouch of magical tobacco that rolled perfect ciggies every time like they had just come out of a packet, which probably took my mind off the story a bit.
What a shame the days of men acting like Bogart are gone.
I need to watch it again but after watching the trailer I remembered how good this film is.
I am giving it a 9/10

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Film 61 "Gladiator" IMDB No. 96

Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. They just walk around, eating, and not mating. You sold me... queer giraffes. I want my money back.

2000 Ridley Scott
Maximus (Russell Crowe) is a Roman General loved and respected by his armies and the aging Emperor. On his death bed the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his successor over his son, Commodus.
Obviously Commodus is a bit pissed off about this and kills Maximus' family but fails to kill Maximus who ends up being a slave and taken to Rome to fight in the gladiator arenas.
A tale of love and revenge and friendship and betrayal and death. Good bloody fight scenes.
Multi award winning big sword fighting red blood spilling epic.
Definate watcher 8/10

Friday, 26 August 2011

Film 60 "Paths of Glory" IMDB No. 52

Hello there, soldier. Ready to kill more Germans?

1957 Stanley Kubrik
Set in the trenches of northern France during WW1 Colonel Dax (Kirk
Douglas) is given an impossible mission by his commander to take a
German stronghold. During the assault almost all that advanced are
killed, realising it is futile to carry on the remaining men retreat.
The glory seeking General takes this as cowardice and mutiny and
decides to make an example of them.
The film's tagline was 'Now the screen blasts open the bombshell story
of a Colonel who led his regiment into hell and back - while their
maddened General waited for them - with a firing squad!'
An unexpected gem 8.5/10

Film 59 "Taxi Driver" IMDB No. 41

I think someone should just take this city and just... just flush it down the fuckin' toilet.

1976 Martin Scorsese
Travis Bickle (Robert deNiro) is a slightly mad insomniac Vietnam Vet living in New York and gets a job as a taxi driver, he takes the work no-one else likes, going to the less savoury parts of town inhabited by the pimps and pushers. Here he crosses paths with a very young hooker Iris (Jody Foster) and her pimp/boyfriend Matthew (Harvey Keitel) sporting one of the best pimp outfits every to grace the big screen.
Travis thinks it is his duty to clean the streets starting with the politians, one in particular Senator Palantine. He attends a rally and starts a chat with the secret agent who in the 70s were unable to spot a lunatic in a raincoat stuffed with guns, he doesn't go through with it but then turns his attention to the lowlifes in the hoods. Good shoot out at the end.
The film keeps you on edge you never really know what he is going to do until he does it.
70s classic 8/10

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Film 58 "The Third Man" IMDB No. 65

Is that what you say to people after death? "Goodness, that's awkward"?

1939 Carol Reid
Just because a film has Orson Wells in it doesn't make it any good. This film has the most annoying tune running all the way through it, I think it's been used for a kids show during the 70s I can't remember which one.
Holly Martins goes to post war Vienna after being invited by his friend Harry Limes, on arrival he learns that Harry is dead, or is he? He spends the rest of the film trying to get to the bottom of it.

Film 57 "Psycho" IMDB No. 23

You mean the old woman I saw tonight wasn't Mrs. Bates?

This trailer is almost as good as the film itself.

1960 Alfred Hitchcock
Everyone must know the 'shower scene' I haven't seen the film before but a lot of it is already in there because it is so famous, lines scenes quotes places.
A young lady steels £40,000 from her employer, she drives to California to see her boyfriend and stops on the way at the Bates Motel, the rest is history.