Monday, 30 May 2011

Film 40 "Lord of the Rings. The Fellowship of the Ring" IMDB No.19

Nobody tosses a dwarf.

2001 Peter Jackson
A fantasy tale of Hobbits and Dwarfs and Elves and Man and Wizards and Dark Lords to name but a few. There is a lot going on here a lot to take in. The version I watched was about 3 hours long and tells a lot of the history behind the story and sets up a lot of what is to come in the next installments and it carries you along at a good pace. i didn't think I would like this, it's from a kids book after all, but I did enjoy it a lot. The scenery and sets are amazing, fighting action scenes are good, the surround sound was really rumbling.
The story goes a bit like this.
An ancient ring has powers that makes it want to return to its owner, this is given to a little hobbit, when the goodies find out he has it they join forces to beat the baddies. The ring has to be destroyed by casting into a mountain deep in enemy territory, the hobbit says he will destroy it. A group of the goodies say they will help him.
I want to watch the next one

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Film 39 "Alien" IMDB No. 46

We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space.

1979 Ridley Scott
The crew of a deep space mining ship get woken from hypersleep when the ship's computer interprets a signal from a planet as an  SOS. You know what's going to happen, it's going to kick off with an Alien, it's all there in title of the film, it wasn't an SOS it was a warning.
It starts pretty slowly as the crew prepare to investigate, like a classic horror film it just keeps building the tension. There's plenty of gorey action and the ending made me hold my breath.
I last saw this when I was a teenager and probably didn't realise how good it was then, this was like watching it for the first time.
Brilliant 8/10

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Film 38 "Downfall" IMDB No. 93

What do you expect from a teetotal, non-smoking vegetarian?

2004 Oliver Hirschbiegel
Set in Berlin in 1945, it tells the story of the end of The Second World War as told by Hitler's private secretary Traudl Junge. Let me say there isn't any fun or humour in this film, it's pretty grim. If this were about The Brits loosing I reckon there would be a bit of humour, the Germans were a weird bunch, in the face of defeat instead of having a cup of tea and thinking 'at least it's over now' they preferred to kill themselves. There is a lot of guns in mouths and super quick poison capsules going on.
Still the sets are brilliant and the acting takes you there and you really get the feel for what was going on at the time in that environment.
Great to see a war film from a different perspective, albeit without the happy ending.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Film 37 "Terminator 2 Judgement Day" IMDB No. 42

You just can't go around killing people.

1991 James Cameron
It's like buses, another James Cameron film, not intentionly I didn't know he directed this, I'm not that sad, but I do now, so now I am.
Another Terminator is sent back to 'terminate' John Connor, who is going to save the world (if he survives)
The twist is that the terminator that was sent back in the original Terminator 1 to kill his mum Sarah is actually the goody and the baddy is the one that looks the goody. You don't work this out until about 10 minutes into the film.
Lots of guns and shooting and blowing things up and suffering injuries that would kill people but because they are future robots they survive until the end, it does end eventually.

Film 36 "Aliens" IMDB No. 61

Not bad for a human

1986 James Cameron
Follow up to the original 1979 Alien, finds Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) being rescued from her drifting spacecraft some 50 odd years  after she escaped the alien lifeform. Surely she wouldn't go back knowing what she has been through, but go back she does and it all happens again.
I wasn't too woried about watching these in order, because I thought I'd remember the first one, it's a classic. What I didn't realise was it was about 30 years ago I watched Alien and don't recall watching Aliens at all, so it was all like watching a new film. I reckon the CGI and special effects hold up even by todays standards, the scenes and backdrops are awesome, the acting, in some parts, is very 80's.
Not too scary, but it is very tense.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Film 35 "Braveheart" IMDB No. 90

It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom.(or a wig)

1995 Mel Gibson
Freedom fighter William Wallace gives it the big 'un against the Brits in 14th century Scotland.
Once I got over Mel and his massive hair I was able to settle into it. It's got all the usual battles, friendships, love and hate, good and evil, all with really nice teeth.
I have now seen it and don't have to do it again

Film 34 "American History X" IMDS No. 40

I'm the most dangerous man in this prison. You know why? 'Cause I control the underwear.

1998 Tony Kaye
Derek Vinyard is a former neo-nazi skinhead released from prison in Los Angeles after serving time for killing 2 black guys that tried to steal his truck. Prison changed his racist views and we get flashbacks to his prison time throughout the film as he tries to stop his younger brother Danny heading down the same path as he did in his youth.
There's a lot of violence and it doesn't give the subject too much of the Hollywood treatment, it's pretty true to the tale and much of what goes on keeps it's edge.
I think this is one to watch again.
Easy 8/10

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Film 33 "L.A. Confidential" IMDB No. 67

You say "fuck" a lot.

1997 Curtis Hanson
Set in 1950's Los Angeles Police Department, following three different kinds of officers trying unravel a murder each in their own way. A story of corruption, drugs, prostitution, murder and annoying Hollywood reporters.
An early film for Russell Crow fans.
I watched about an hour and a half of this until I realised I had seen it before. I don't have to watch it again.

Film 32 "Rear Window" IMDB No. 21

You'd think the rain would've cooled things down. All it did was make the heat wet.

1954 Alfred Hitchcock
This is a classic, why have I never watched any of the classic ones before?
Jeff Jeffries (great name) is an action photographer who is forced to stay at home after breaking his leg, all he has to do is look out of the rear window of his appartment in New York observing the lives of all the people in the neighbouring appartments. After a time he becomes convinced that one of the neighbours has killed their wife but not being able to leave his appartment he can't prove it, so he enlists the help of his nurse and girlfriend.
If you haven't seen it, you should, it's a perfect rainy afternoon film. They don't make them like this anymore.