Monday, 25 April 2011

Film 31 "American Beauty" IMDB No. 39

Pass the asparagus

1999 Sam Mendes
Story about living the middle class American dream. Kevin Spacey plays Lester Burnham as he works through a mid-life crisis.
Can't say I was particularly looking forward to seeing this, it's the kind of film I avoid. This is perfectly watchable and the ending is pretty good, but I just didn't care about any of it, it didn't get me.
I haven't watched half as much as I should this month because the weather has been smashing, on the plus side, the allotment is looking great.
I need to move on and start watching a few that I know I am going to enjoy.
Anyway, not for me. 7/10

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Film 30 "Toy Story 3" IMDB No. 26

Estoy rodeado por criaturas extrañas y desconozco sus intenciónes. ¿¡Quién anda ahí? ¿Amigo? O enemigo?

2010 Lee Unkrich
When my kids were smaller they watched Toy Story on a loop for about a year, then 2 came out and they watched that too maybe a hundred times or was it a thousand? Anyway. I am familiar with the characters and the story so far.
Now Andy, the toys owner, is all grown up and off to college so he puts most of the toys in a bag to go in the loft, somehow this bag ends up at a daycare centre run by a strawberry bear called Lotso. Woody hatches a plan to rescue them.
It's a good story and there's lots of new characters, Ken is great, and the animation is brilliant.
Buzz gets reset to spanish. Lots of very clever touches throughout.
You can tell a few of the scenes were designed for 3D but most of the time its just good fun to watch.